We love to spend time outdoors but we overlook the responsibilities that come with an evening of camping or a day of hiking. The countryside needs to be cared for so that the beauty of these places remains intact for others to enjoy, as well as for flora and fauna to thrive in.

How are people damaging the countryside?

First things first, there's litter which includes even the biodegradable ones like fruit peel. At higher altitudes, these take a lot longer to decompose. In busier areas like Ben Nevis, human waste is also found. Larger events put more impact on the landscape. That includes water pollution, littering, disposal of human waste, and other such damages.


How to Help Save the Countryside?

You can give more support by volunteering in local campaigns. You can raise awareness by writing to the press, politicians, and signing petitions to save the countryside. There are many organizations like the National Trust, Wildlife Trusts, and RSPB that consider volunteering. You can participate via these organizations and have a good deal of fun while doing something productive for the countryside.

Mountain bikers should minimize damage as much as possible. Bikers should not ride on public footpaths which cause the tracks to get churned up when wet. Random garden plant dumps of daffodils or other flowers because of garden surplus or dead pets can also cause damage.

How to Deal with Animals in the Countryside?

One of the hazards one should be warned against is ticks from animals. A bite from a deer or sheep infected with ticks can cause Lyme Disease. Read through the information laid out on the NHS website to know more.

Keep your distance from farm animals since they can be aggressive on certain occasions. And if you are traveling with a dog, make sure it is under control around farm animals. Keep them under leash but release if a farm animal reacts aggressively towards it, especially those which are with calves.

In the case of wild animals, watch only from a distance without causing any disturbance.

5 Tips to Protect the Countryside

Here are 5 tips you can follow to preserve the countryside.

  1. Be careful when you choose your camping pitch in the wild. Don't go for crop fields or fields that have livestock. Keep away from buildings and roads.
  2. Do not disturb the privacy of the residents or their properties.
  3. Be careful with fire since it can cause severe damage. Keep it surrounded by rocks and be sure that no trace is left behind.
  4. If you need to build a fire, get as much deadwood as possible. Better if you can find charcoal from any local supplier.
  5. There are many rare and common bird species nesting in the surrounding area. Letting your dog free can damage these nests and cause disturbance in the environment.
  6. Nothing except the boot prints should be left behind. Anything else would be litter. Whatever litter you have, take it home.
  7. Any human waste should be disposed of by burying it 6 inches deep. Also, include toilet paper in the buried human waste.

It would be great if you could provide aid to local communities by purchasing local goods and services. We must respect residents' privacy. We should be considerate of others while parking and look beyond ourselves. Being sensitive towards farmers' needs is also helpful. Overall, understand that the countryside needs to be taken care of.