The Woodland Trust is tackling a common problem in quite a different way at one its woods. Londonthorpe Wood in Lincolnshire has been suffering from a particularly high level of dog mess being left, and it got to a point that the site managers have tried a different approach.

Trust members are now spray painting dog moss in the hope that dog owners will see the level that dog fouling has risen to and so be encouraged to clean up after their pets. It's certainly a different approach to what still is a widespread problem. The decision was made after it was found that the 153 acre wood, which is a mix of new trees and flower meadows was being spoiled by the amount of dog waste.

The area makes a great picnic location, especially for families, when the weather is warm and is used for nature trips by the local schools, all decked out wearing bright polo shirts so it is vital that the area is clean for everyone to use. Dog mess can pose a health risk, especially to children, and may ruin the appeal of the woods and the outdoors to them.

The poo is being sprayed in bright fluorescent colours and this highlights how much is actually present and hopefully this will help to remind owners that it is their responsibility to remove it. Some local dog walkers have even helped to fund an on-site bin and they even empty it themselves. However, additional bins would incur costs for emptying them which would prove prohibitive to installing more bins, so the Trust has to rely on the public using the one bin provided or to take the waste away with them.

The Trust is happy that the area is so popular with dog walkers, but is keen to promote the right code of conduct for visiting the site. Over the next few weeks the Trust is set to visit and spray paint again, and this will show whether the message is getting through or not. Let’s hope so or it really will be a case of if you go down to the woods today mind where you put your feet or you will be in for a big surprise, and it won’t be a pleasant one.