Stretching is one of the core parts of any workout session. If you do not stretch your muscles before beginning a heavy workout or after ending the sessions, your muscles might be sorer than they should be. Stretching exercises keep your muscles healthy, strong, and flexible; giving you the desired range of motion.

Although there are various types of stretching routines available for you, it all depends on what level of workout you are currently in. In this blog, we’d learn about the importance of stretching for a nice cool-down session and what would be the best full-body routine for you.

Importance of Stretching After a Workout

If you are wondering whether it is important to stretch out after a workout, then the answer is yes. Here are the reasons –

  1. Minimum pain and reduction in chances of an injury
  2. Reduces the amount of lactic acid, making you feel less tired
  3. Slow relaxation to ease your mind and body.

Now that you know that it is imperative to add a stretching session after your workout, let’s talk about the top 3 routines that you can follow.

3 Stretching Routines for a Cool Down

  1. Beginner Level Routine

This routine is ideal for those who have just started working out. Here is the complete routine –

  • Extend your body completely
  • Keep the legs straight and bend forward. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds
  • Stretch to your left for 10 seconds. Repeat the same on the right side
  • Bring your legs together and bend ahead for 10 seconds
  • Squat and tuck your knees to the chest region. Roll onto the back and stay for 10 seconds
  • Kneel and lean backward with your arms extended. Rock ahead to stretch your lower back
  • Sit in a position where the bottoms of your feet are joined. Lean ahead and stretch your muscles


  1. Advanced Level Routine

This routine would be a combination of tai-chi, stretching, yoga, and pilates.

  • Tuck your legs to your chest and hold the position for 10 seconds
  • Tuck knee roll and move to either side. Repeat this at least 4-5 times
  • Perform a single-leg tuck roll and keep your shoulders straight on the ground
  • Swing your legs in either direction and repeat this 4-5 times
  • Roll backward but don’t let your feet touch the ground. Come back and stretch your legs ahead
  • Spread your legs. Stretch your arms on either side for 4 to 5 times
  • Perform a butterfly stretch

  1. Yoga as a Post-workout Stretching Routine

Yoga is a great post-workout stretching option as it helps improve your strength and flexibility. If you want to cool down after an intense workout then yoga can be the right choice. Perform a few yoga poses and end it with a corpse pose. Lie in the position for 50 seconds and you are done for the day.


It is important to remember that stretching after a workout is crucial to keep your muscles strong, healthy, and free from pain. Inculcate the above-listed routine in your workout sessions and see the difference for yourself!