After the New Year comes and we move on to build new resolutions, we aim to look forwards and build our lives in a better manner. We aim to bring out the best of us and keep things balanced. We all reflect on the successes and failures of the past year and set goals to bring new changes in our lives.

We all have big goals and dreams that can be achieved with constant practice and daily manifestations. To begin with the base, we would require to build a strong foundation that will allow us to work towards the structure of our goals and dreams.

So what do we do?

We start from the core. Building your core can mean various things according to your understanding. For me, building my core consists of mental and physical ideas that will allow me to build my future. Want to know more? Read on.

Spiritual Core

While all of us build our physical self and try to become healthy and fit, we also need to focus on mental health. Both go hand in hand. Spiritual core helps us understand the beliefs and strengthen them. Although I am Christian and I know the Bible and I regularly read the teachings, I have found it to be an important part of my life that helps me restructure without any difficulties.

I am able to commit to my work daily with the help of these spiritual teachings and I try to structure my life with full effort everyday so that I find my way through the difficulties.

If you are able to find your way through such teachings, your spiritual connection can be useful in the longer run to build your confidence and commitment towards your work.

Physical Core

As a runner, I have ignored regular running and keeping myself fit. If you are willing to work on your body daily and are consistent the results would show. A professional runner will always tell you that the real strength comes from the core. If your core is strong, it would be easy for you to perform your daily tasks and keep you healthy in the longer run. You can also workout on an alternate day basis if you have a busy schedule.

The solution to this busy schedule is to find a specific time and stick to it. If you are consistent with your mental and physical health, it would benefit you in the longer run.


Let Things Go

If you are stuck in some situation and are unable to let it go, it is going to cause you damage. Your mental health will go on a rut. It would also be a negative progress towards your life. It is recommended to let go of things you cannot have control over and focus on the things that you can have control over.

It will not only bring positivity to your life, but also help you attain success through more focus. Sometimes, letting things go also helps you in attaining focus and helping you de-clutter your life.