For me, it is fun to indulge in outdoor activities rather than spending my time indoors. These activities not only help you stay fit but also add fun in your life. But that does not necessarily mean that indoor activities have to be dull and unhealthy. Recently, I discovered that going for a swim once a week helps to improve my health and relaxes me in preparation for the week ahead. I personally take a swim every Monday morning before office and as a result, throughout the week, I feel much better and relaxed.

There are plenty of reasons as to why swimming once a week is beneficial and important, below are just some of the benefits of the many I would like to share with you:

Way to Soothe the Nerves – Swimming for a mere 40 minutes significantly helps me have a stress-free week. Swimming once a week helps to lower stress levels, control breathing, decreases anxiety/depression and helps you to have a better sleeping pattern.

Pain-Free Workout – My knees and ankles have always been a point of concern due to which I cannot take up running. But swimming has a much lower impact on my body and it does not hurt. As far as I know, water provides around 90% more support to the body which helps in avoiding any extra strain on the muscles.

Muscles Workout – While you are swimming, all the body muscles are put to work and a breaststroke allows a full body workout. Exercise in water makes your body work harder, which is why 30 minutes in a pool is equal to 45 minutes run.

Burns Calories Fast – Swimming for an hour burns almost the same calories as running. Although my main motive to go for swimming is not weight loss, it is still an added benefit. Mild swimming easily helps you burn more than 200 calories in half an hour which is the kind of mark you cannot hit while walking. Hit the pool and keep eating the tastiest cheat meals.

Stay Healthy and Fit – Apart from a healthy and nutrition-filled diet, swimming helps a great deal in keeping my body and heart-healthy. Walking alone is not enough to keep muscles toned and the heart strong. It is important to vary your exercise so that every muscle of your body stays fit.

Wake Up Routine – One of the main reasons for people feeling lethargic is inactivity. People seem to think that you should not exercise when tired. But this is not the case, in-activeness makes you feel more tired. This is one of the main reasons I choose swimming. It helps me wake up and keep up the energy levels for the entire week.

It might not seem a lot but swimming once a week helps you go a long way. It is one of the most effective ways of keeping you active, fit, and refreshed throughout the week.