Every trekking enthusiast has that one friend who they see as an inspiration, because they have successfully completed challenging ascents in the Himalayan regions and parts of Antarctica. Footcare during camping was always a challenge for me and it directly impacted my trekking performance. I tried experimenting with hooves, but my feet always felt tired and became a tough problem for my mountain adventures. My interaction with my friend Steve, the undisputed master of climbing expeditions, enlightened me about the significance of foot care during camping as he owed a huge part of his success to his feet and prioritized them over other things. He believed that happy feet take care of our bodies so that we always feel enthusiastic about taking up new challenges.

Steve follows a strict foot care regime that saves him from a myriad of problems like blisters, dislodged toenails, aches and other foot-related ailments so that you don’t have to compromise on your dreams and can accomplish challenging summits. I couldn’t agree more with him as he has led several climbing teams to the summit of Everest, tracked herds of rare antelope across the barren plateaus of Tibet, and yet confidently claims that he hasn’t encountered a blister in a decade.

I am sure that, like me, many other climbers, hikers, and trekking enthusiasts would stand to learn a lot from the finer details of my mate's foot care regime. Without wasting much time, I will start sharing the tips of probably the most prolific outdoorsmen of our time: Steve.

Keep Your Feet Clean

Cleaning your feet to remove impurities is the foremost step in foot care for Steve. Before going to bed, he ensures that he washes his feet with biodegradable soap and a legit water source like snow or running water. After drying them, he applies a pea-sized quantity of sanitizer to keep bacteria at bay. Even during daytime, when he is taking a short break, he removes his shoes and socks to shrug off the debris. This gives his feet an opportunity to breathe and feel refreshed.

Lubrication Is Essential

To keep his feet warm, Steve relies on moisturizing his feet and keeping them hydrated. He relies on good salve and applies a healthy coating of the same after cleaning his feet. He always carries a small tin of salve to all his trips, and at home he uses moisturizing lotions. He wears socks after applying any of them for optimum absorption. He claims that he has never faced the problems, like frostbite and missing toes, that are common among seasoned mountaineers, even while travelling to Everest or Antarctica.

Train Your Foot Muscles To Be Strong And Limber

It takes a lot of strength to steer your body through wild temperature swings while walking on tough terrains, which makes the strength and flexibility of your feet essential. Here, training feet muscles through stretches and exercises, along with self-massaging, are some key tricks that Steve practices to keep his feet refreshed. At home, he uses a tennis ball to roll achy foot muscles, and even enjoys pedicures for relaxation.

 Never Compromise On Comfortable Socks

The guy wears soft and fluffy socks that ensure insulation and act as a cushion for your feet, while creating a dead air space. He rotates three to six pairs of socks and relies on woolen material as it can be worn for two to three days unlike cotton or synthetic options. He also carries “summit socks” that stay untouched until the most important day of the expedition to treat his feet with relaxing comfort.

I wouldn’t mind being a fanatic for my feet like Steve, and I completely agree with all his suggestions for foot care, considering they are backed by years of experience and logical reasoning. His valuable ideas will undoubtedly be a guiding light to budding mountaineers, and even the seasoned ones who wish to show some love to their feet if they haven’t prioritized them much till now.