It is required for you to take more calories than the ones you are burning while working out. You need around 2,800 calories to build a pound of muscle. You also need this to support the protein turnover. While working out also requires that you have a certain intake of calories, carbohydrates, and fats, it is also important to have a disciplined regime which can help you attain the goal. Get going to your nearest gym or build your core strength to start with the base.

Here are some of the tips to help you gain your muscle more effectively:


  1. Breakfast eating

One of the most powerful times to attain your energy is breakfast. It is where your day starts. It also sets up your day for you. With a boost of energy and immediate fresh-filled day, you can build your muscle easily by having a healthy breakfast. Add muesli with other protein based items and fibrous fruits to add to your muscle gain. Breakfast with smoothies and cottage cheese can be very helpful to gain energy throughout the day. You can also choose omelettes or boiled eggs to add mass to your muscles.


  1. Eat every three hours

It is important to boost your muscle mass over a period of time with breakfast, lunch and dinner. But is is also important to have meals post workout and pre-bed along with some snack time. By keeping your food intake consistent, you won’t be hungry and won’t go to bed staying hungry. You will have larger meals after a point of time. Eating smaller meals more often than larger ones makes your stomach size decrease. After that, it gets impossible to crave more as you will have fewer cravings. It also happens so that you will have the tendency to overeat after the next meal. It will also lead to unhealthy snacking. You should fix a time wherein you eat your meals and have snacks during the times when your body will feel hungry.



  1. Add protein to your diet

To build your muscle consistently, you need to eat at least 1g of protein per 454g of body weight. You will eat a whole protein source with every meal which will include:

  • Poultry including chicken, turkey, or duck
  • Dairy including cheese, milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, etc
  • Pos workout shakes such as smoothies
  • Protein with vegan options such as lentils, tofu, seeds, or nuts
  • Red meat including beef, pork, or lamb



  1. Add fruits and vegetables with each meal

There are a lot of options to go for if you want a stomach full without gaining any weight or fat. Fruits and vegetables are also enriched with vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants and fibre which aids to digestion. You should always keep your sugar content at check as it might be one of the factors of you gaining weight.


  1. Eat carbs after every workout

You need carbs for energy. If you are working out constantly, you need to attain more energy. Check you carbohydrate intake and take care of the workout process. Add all kinds of energy attaining food and supplements to your diet so that you do not become weak working out thoroughly.


Curate your diet with these aforementioned tips and add some routine to your life and gain muscle effectively over a period of time.