When you’re exercising, however vigorous it may be, you need to remain both hydrated and energised. You will sweat which means that you will lose water, as well as electrolytes.


By ensuring that you are eating and drinking regularly, these will both be replaced as often as possible – which is very important. The amount of these that you lose and hence need to replace them with differs depending on multiple factors – one such example is the intensity of the activity.

Trail running is one of the activities which requires more replenishment than the body tends to need on average, due to the varying terrain. It is estimated that up to 200 calories of carbohydrates should be replenished every hour that you’re exercising – as well as approximately sixteen ounces of electrolyte fluid.

Electrolytes are minerals that can be located in both your blood and some other bodily fluids. It’s very important that these are replenished as they affect the acidity of your blood and your muscle functions – something which is vital when exercising.

To ensure that you do remain topped up, make sure that your bottle is easily accessible from your backpack and that you set specific times to refuel – the same applies to when you are eating.

Eating foods that are rich with carbohydrates can help to boost your energy, and when you’re trail running, that is something that you definitely need to do. Many trail runners are of the opinion that different types of foods such as sweet and savory can be very helpful.

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