The core exercises are highly beneficial in keeping the posture correct and strengthening the abdominals, back, and hips, which are essential for stability especially when you are a runner. You can also reduce the risk of injury by increasing agility and power through these exercises.


Great benefits can be eked with these power-packed core exercises that protect your smaller joints and tendons while simultaneously increasing stamina to stay upright. The core connects the upper and lower part of your body which helps in strengthening the overall efficiency. Let’s get acquainted with some of the best core exercises that create a  stabilising force to build a solid foundation for your running endeavours.

The two most beneficial core strength exercises are Happy Stars and Arch Rocks which help in improving athletic performance and overall well-being.


  • The Happy Star Core Exercise For Core Stability


Targeting multiple muscles, the Happy Star is a fun and challenging core exercise that affects the abs, obliques, and hip flexors. Follow the given steps to perform this exercise:


Step 1: Lie on your back on the ground with your arms extended straight out to the sides while your legs are aligned straight and together, forming a "T" shape.

Step 2: Raise your legs and upper body a few inches off the ground while simultaneously ensuring to engage your core.

Step 3: Spread your arms and legs wide apart with your lower back pressed into the floor. Hold this X-shape position for a few seconds and focus on keeping your core tight.

Step 3: Now, extend your left arm to meet the right leg without folding the elbow. You may fold the extending leg a bit so that the feet can be touched by your fingers.


Step 4: Return back to the X position and repeat the same process with the right arm and left leg.

Keep switching sides and your core muscles engaged so that decent stability is built. Also, rest briefly before moving on to the next repetition. It is suggested to maintain a controlled and steady motion without jerking your muscles with any sudden movements.

  • The Arch Body Rock Exercise to Strengthen Your Core


Improving overall posture, stability, and strength, the Arch Body Rock exercise targets your back muscles, glutes, and core. Follow these simple steps to perform this efficient core exercise:


Step 1: Lie down on your stomach with your face facing the ground. Keep your legs straight and extend your arms across the ears, above your head. Position your legs hip-width apart with the toes pointing away from your body.

Step 2:  Squeeze your abdomen and buttocks so that the lower back muscles are engaged in supporting your body weight. Try to lift your extended arms and legs off the ground to a  suitable height according to your capacity.

Step 3: Maintain a neutral neck position and it would be better to keep your gaze forward in order to avoid straining. Hold the fully extended position for a couple of seconds while simultaneously involving both glutes and the belly.

Step 4: Once you've clearly learnt to do this exercise, place your palms on the ground alongside the hips with your fingers pointing forward. This position helps to train both the upper body and core.

Step 5: Go forward and back from this position. After gaining some momentum, try to extend your arms towards the ears and maintain control throughout the movement.

This exercise is highly helpful in the growth of abdominal muscles. Do take a brief rest before getting started with another repetition. 


Both these exercises will be a lot more beneficial when included in your core workout routine. However, it is essential to listen to your body by simply starting at a comfortable level. Progress gradually with increasing strength and confidence to build a stronger core that results in a more efficient run!