Want to run every day but cannot get to fix your routine? Becoming a morning runner can be painful in the initial stages if you are not following the routine. It is impossible for a lot of people who are more productive during the night. A morning run can, however, fix a lot of things including your routine, your mental as well as your physical health.

When my alarm goes off, I always look at it and it is 4:00 AM sharp. I always think to me, ‘Who in the right mind would be willing to run this early?’

It is not easy as I toss and turn and think to myself that my sleep is important. I would require a couple of minutes which might turn into an hour or so. Yet, day after day, I roll out of my bed and walk to my closet to prepare myself for the early morning run. I put on my favourite pair of shoes, and I am ready to roll!

Do you want to know how I do it? Here are a few tips to help you wake up early and go about your day while including a morning run to your day:

  • Have a Goal

I tried to run 2016 miles in the year 2016. As fun as it sounds, it requires consistency and patience. To run every day with the same mindset, you require to have a  goal. It will not only help you prepare for the runs but also allow you to hold onto something that is routine. Once waking up becomes a habit around the same time, it becomes really easily to manoeuvre your goals and reach them accordingly.


  • Night Time Prep

It is important to prep yourself every night for the next day to come. It allows you to have a buffer time so that when you wake up and feel groggy, you still are prepared for the day, even if it is just for a little bit. Start with the easiest chores such as ironing or prepping for your evening meal so that you are able to take out the fifteen minutes from your daily chore.


  • Caffeine

Although it has many views that do not coincide with each other, caffeine can really wake you up. When you are sleepy and need a push, caffeine is what makes you wake up faster than anything else. It prepares you for your daily activities and offers a refreshing taste. If you need the initial push down the door, caffeine should do the trick.


  • Ease Into It

It might sound unreal but it is okay to skip waking up every day at a specific time to the dot. Until it becomes a habit, it is difficult for many to wake up exactly at the same time every day even if they want to wake up. Therefore, easing up to it may allow you to have your own sweet time to make it a routine.

Trying to wake up early? Try the aforementioned steps and make your everyday routine easy.