With the summer months upon us – although it may not always seem like it – there are many people jetting off to enjoy a holiday abroad. Whether you’re travelling abroad or enjoying one of our home beaches – you need to know what to bring!


When you’re going to the beach, you want to enjoy a relaxing day. The more prepared you are, the less stressful your day will be – and bringing a hydration pack will allow you to carry all of the essentials with you to ensure that you’re fully prepared.

When you’re at the beach, many of us will be tempted to take a swim in the ocean, which means we’ll get wet. So, bringing a towel will prove to be handy, but it can also be used to sit or lie on, which may make it more comfortable!

Hopefully any days spent on the beach will be accompanied by nice, warm weather conditions – which means that you’ll have to do all you can to protect your skin! Of course, sun screen is the obvious choice but there are also types of clothing that can protect you too. Besides your skin, your eyes can also be damaged by the sun’s powerful rays, with effects which can be increased when reflected off the sand. Bring a pair of polarised sunglasses which will minimise these effects.

Walking sandals are a great option for your feet which will allow you to walk around much more comfortably than if you were bare footed. Wearing these will also allow you greater freedom to travel and explore any nearby attractions.

To check out our entire range of products visit our website now where all of our items are available at discounted prices. Orders over the cost of £50 receive free shipping. If you have any questions, please do leave a comment below or message us on Facebook or Twitter!