We started our three days’ backpacking journey to the Paintbrush canyon with a 20-mile loop of the Paintbrush and Cascade canyons located in the Grand Teton National Park. I was an experienced backpacker, unlike my friends with whom I was about to travel with. So, it was my responsibility to make sure that they do not face any problems and have a lot of fun. To make this trip memorable for my friends and myself, I planned the entire 3 day trip in such a manner that nobody would feel exhausted and we would be able to see a number of amazing places. We were four guys, Nathaniel, Robert, Andrew, and I.

Nothing is better than a backpacking trip to the Paintbrush Canyon and String Lake’s Down Cascade Canyon. This beautiful place offers a backdrop to its history and is one of best scenic hikes that you can get in the National Park System.

After about 4,000 feet, you would reach one of the Park’s highest points through the trail. At 10,720 feet of Paintbrush divide, you would observe a panorama that spreads through a sharp skyline. It also includes 13,776-foot Grand Teton, 12,605-foot of Mount Moran in North direction, and 12,000- foot of the Teewinot and Mount Owen in the South. This trail also passes through the Lake Solitude and below the Paintbrush Canyon’s striped cliffs. You can also observe serene waterfalls and high peaks of Cascade Canyon. There are beautiful wildflowers growing from July to August.

Next day, we decided to spend our time in the beautiful Cascade Canyon’s North Fork. This place gave us a view of Grand Teton that we would not forget. I remember that the Teton was above thousands of feet. All we did was sit nearby and enjoy the view, take pictures and talk to fellow travellers for a good 3-4 hours.

Every backpacker, for his bucket list adds Grand Teton as this place has so much to offer. It not only gives a memorable view of nature but also is preferred as one of the top places for camps and short hikes. It connects Paintbrush and Cascade Canyon allowing us to experience the pleasure of 3 places in one day.

Our last day was spent enjoying a shuttle boat across the Jenny Lake. It was the best way of spending our last day of our backpacking trip as we just relaxed and roamed across the city without thinking about the life that we had to go back to. After getting that little boat ride, we enjoyed our meal at a small café that served delicious seafood. After having a hearty meal, we went back to our campsite and packed our bags to go back to normal life next day.

To sum it all up, it was an amazing trip and my friends were happy that I was in-charge as I showed them so many amazing places. We made some pretty great memories and just can’t wait to plan our next hiking trip.