While a workout session is essential for well-being of body, mind and soul, the same old routine repeated over a period of time may become quite monotonous. To break away from the drudgery and incorporate new spice into your daily schedule, you need to learn new ways to keep yourself fit. Though the same exercises may seem convenient to repeat day after day, it becomes quite hard to keep yourself motivated when the boredom strikes. After getting into the whole fitness thing, I have set up my own schedule to keep myself busy and occupied with exercises that break away from the mold. Some of my favorite exercises are listed below for your attention, especially if you are in search of a new workout routine.

Bodyweight Exercises

I have never been a fan of weights, and I only use them occasionally whenever I hit the gym. Bodyweight exercises are definitely my favorite as I can do them anytime and anywhere.

I like to perform bodyweight exercises at the neighborhood park. I tag along with my dog and my son, and while they keep busy amongst themselves, I start with a set of 10 squats and repeat the set three times with a minute of rest in between. Then I move over to push-ups and step ups. I like to vary the number of sets and reps in order to keep my body guessing. V-ups, Triceps dips and planks are some other bodyweight exercises that I make sure I do, at least once a week.

Plyometric Exercise Routine

Jumping has always been my favorite, since my childhood. That’s why I like Plyometric Exercise Routines as they primarily include exercises that comprise of a lot of jumping and sudden movements. Whenever I feel too bored to run, I switch to this routine as it provides me with a good cardio workout.

My Plyometric Circuit Workout includes:

  • Decelerated high-impact lunge: 10 per leg
  • Plyometric step up: 10 per leg
  • Mountain climbers: 10 per leg
  • Decelerated squat jump: 10 total

While performing these exercises, I advise that you take a few minutes of rest before moving from one exercise to another. Try to complete all the exercises within a period of 20 minutes to get the most out of the session. As you get used to this workout, you can try to shorten the time of completion in order to gain more stamina.

Abdominal Exercises

No one likes extra flab around the tummy, especially not when you are fashion savvy.  Working out the core muscles is a great way to get a fab stomach. It may be difficult to start performing abdominal exercises, but once you get the hang of it and see the results, it becomes a hobby. A strong core makes you look wonderful and boosts your confidence whenever you go outside. People with a strong core are also less likely to suffer back injuries.

My abdominal workout regimen includes:

  • Crunches: 3 sets of 20
  • Heel taps: 3 sets of 10 per leg
  • Toe taps: 3 sets of 10 per leg
  • Forearm plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds
  • Side plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds

You can perform these exercises in any order as per your preference. You need to perform 10-20 reps of each exercise 3-5 times. Initially, you should take rests between two exercises; however, as you grow accustomed to these exercises, you can try doing these exercises one after another for a harder core and fantastic abs.

Adding variety to your regimen can go a long way toward making your body fitter and stronger. Always keep on experimenting with new exercises to enhance your workout session.