Being someone who is petrified by the constant noises at night while I am on a trip makes me always wonder “Am I really away to get lost away from the hustle and bustle of people or I am here to get close to nature?”  The only thing which keeps me apart from the heard is craving for solidarity.

Being a solo adventurist, one has to be cautious of the unforeseen circumstances which may come along the road to ruin ones joy.

Before hitting the roads of solo adventure, take the following pointers into consideration:

Start from Basics

Solo Adventure alone does not provide one the freedom to get into those nooks and corners where one dare not go. So, start from small and eventually climb the ladders of the rough path of your journey. If you are fretting about the thought of travelling to stranger places, start with something that isn't a million miles away from home. It can be any local monumental place or a warm place to read your favourite book. Even if the whole idea does not fret you, it’s better to save your courage for the further trips.

Plan Beforehand

It’s always better to have prevention than drowning in anxiety. A little caution can save from unwanted and grimly consequences.

Inform Someone about your Trip

While a solo trip guarantees your freedom and adventure, a trip should be made secure by providing information about your destined place to a family member or friend. Leaving with them subtle details like date, time and venue of your planned journey will give you some security incase of an accident.

Make Signalling Satellite your man

There can be dire situations where you may be stuck at any place which is devoid of phone signals, at such a point of time Signalling Satellites can be your right hand in guiding you through the patchy paths. Just carrying the instrument won’t be of any use unless and until you know how to use them properly. Make sure you have already run a trial of that instrument.