I would hate to be called a fitness freak but here I am with a blog speaking of fitness. I know. But, the truth is, even though I am no fitness fanatic, what I do love is a healthy and active lifestyle. That's just a desire though. I am still far from my goals and I barely have any self-control when it comes to food.

Like any other serial procrastinator, I, too, have blamed my day's exhaustion for the lack of cultivating a habit of exercising. "Blamed" because it's more of a postmodern reality where people live to work full time and end the day by doing their share to keep their life outside work from going dull. 

But, I guess, I (or, we) can do a lot without actually doing a lot. To get our muscles burning and hearts pumping, we can walk, run, or cycle, and that would be a good way to burn calories. I have tried my share of 30-day workouts and here is a list of things that worked for me:


You can always squat. While brushing your teeth, while you are taking a shower, while you talk to someone on the phone, and many spaces in between. You'll be amazed to see the results it can bring to you.

Doing the Stairs

Run up and down the stairs, don't walk or stroll. Make sure you are running. Test yourself by placing a kettle on the fire and see how many flights you can cover until it starts to boil. Try to beat your record each time. Your neighbors may think there's a stampede but you know they are safe, anyway. Just remember: don't take the elevator even if it calls to you like a siren.

Choose a bike or your feet

As potentially gory as the subheading sounds, what I mean is that you choose to commute to places either on foot or on a bike. It may not be always possible with the distance, the load you carry, or the events that you have to run/attend. But, now and then, choose this way to travel and it can bring a change in your life.

March in Lunch

Do you have enough lunchtime? Why not go for a march across the town during lunchtime? Make a list of errands you can run and march from shops to offices. Rushing through the town will surely have your heart pumping faster which can work your legs better. If not, you can always meander along the river. Get some of the greenery and tranquility in your system while you are at it. Enjoy the fresh air before you can think of returning to the computer screen.

Kitchen lunges

All your food is here. So, this temple could be either a shrine or a graveyard to your fitness depending on how you use it. I would say, sin and virtue could go hand-in-hand by doing lunges when you cook. No, don't do it while carrying food. The food at risk of falling would probably help your core strength but not your nerves.

Clean to Stay Fit

You'd be surprised to know how many calories house chores can burn. It is something that needs to be done eventually, so why not make something that can help you stay healthy? One hour of floor mopping can burn around 150 calories and an hour of ironing, changing the sheets, and cooking can burn 300 calories.